What's the meaning of scrunchy in given context? In one of FRIENDS' episodes, Ross is kidding Rachel, she gives him a dirty look then Phoebe says What's the matter? Why so scrunchy? What's the meaning of scrunchy in this part?
2015年10月5日 00:31
解答 · 6
I think that it is referring to her face shape. 'scrunch' is probably a combination of screw and crunch. It was originally used for things like 'scrunching' up a piece of paper. So - she is saying that her face was all wrinkly and screwed up.
Thank you all.
*you're with peope.… NOT "your"
Also note that I'm a native speaker and I have no idea what it means either. My advice is never use this, unless your with people who love Friends or you like getting weird looks from people.
Lol. Assuming she didn't say grumpy...A few times we might say why a scrunchy look? The meaning is someone who is scowling or glaring at you. Since, I don't remember the episode I can't say any more. BTW...that is really old and outdated...we don't say that anymore.