Is this sentence correct? In fire drill, "Teachers shall guide every student out of the school building as promptly and safely as possible with running, pushing or talking." I was told this type of "with" need a noun after it. Is this correct or wrong. One more question which is not related to the question above. Does the phrase "with no small difficulty" mean "not easily"?
2015年10月7日 17:07
解答 · 2
Teachers shall guide every student out of the school building as promptly and safely as possible.... Well, that bit seems clear enough. However, I think the next word should be 'without' ! We want to escape the fire, and if we do it WITHOUT any running or pushing (and falling over!) it will be even better! The construction of the original sentence, even with 'without' substituted, is in danger of being rather unclear. Is it the TEACHER who should not run or push, or the students!!! The basic sentence is Teachers shall guide the students safely without running. This means THE TEACHER should not run! I suggest you word the sentence differently. Good try, but please try again.
Thank you for answer .I also think teacher should not run either. However the sentence is on my textbook and the sentence has definitely "with" because it is related to the question in which you have to correct Japanese translation which looks with the "without" version. To sum up, Is this sentence grammatically correct? Content of sentence sometimes seems to be strange, but I want to check whether this sentence can be used or not.