reference of a clause Does "constantly updating its many-faceted representations of the body"refer to "brain"? Context: Damasio posits that the ‘self’ operates at a base-level stage as a protoself, manifested in the brain’s routine and automatic mapping, constantly updating its many-faceted representations of the body. This gives rise to core-consciousness which occurs when the brain monitors itself in registering the need to respond to an object of attention by initiating action.
2015年11月26日 12:00
解答 · 2
I think it means that the 'self' can in one day change how it looks at itself. For instance when you walk past a mirror and think "Oh wow I look great today!" and 10 minutes later you walk by another and think "Gah my eyes are droopy." So at any given time your 'self" has many opinions of itself.