To what extent do Arabic speaking Christians use phraises like Insha'Allah that refer to God? I am a Christian learning Arabic. I know that Allah means God to Arabic speakers of every religion, so I don't think there's anything wrong with a Christian saying Insha Allah (إن شاء الله) and similar phrases of Arabic. I started saying these phrases in when talking to my Arab friends even though I am not Muslim. I know of other Christians who have learned Arabic who do the same thing. Do Christian Arabs/other non-Muslim native Arabic speakers typically talk like this? If so, are there some phrases that only Muslims use? Could it be considered disrespectful that I use these phrases?
2016年1月15日 02:16
解答 · 11
Not at all Michaela, I can't see how it could be disrespectful :) As I answered one of italki members around 2 weeks ago; those phrases are normally used by Muslims and Christians here, at least in my country. I come from a town where half of its population are Christians and they use these phrases as Muslims do, because Allah is God and God is Allah. I live in the capital city Amman for 30 years, and the Christians in my neighbourhood use these phrases normally even between each other and not just with Muslims. So (inshAllah: God willing), (mashAllah: praise to God), (alhamdolillah: thank God) are among many phrases where the name of Allah/ God is mentioned and used by both Muslims and Christians. Yes, there is a phrase that I only hear Muslims use; which is: (جزاك الله خيرًا), I've never heard a Christian saying it before and it means "may Allah/ God reward you with goodness". This is the only phrase I could think of now :) I hope this answer helps, I wish you good luck.
Islam is a good religion and since it is so, it is for everyone. Islam and Quraan are not for Muslims only. they are for all people on earth. So, it is okay to use such words or phrases.
Everyone wrote amazing comments , especially Mumtaz :) But about "disrespectful" words, don't worry I'm sure any language if you used any bad word, they will tell you to use other word or not to say it ,with explaining to you why (if it's a bad word or disrespectful for their religion) So don't worry so much, after all we are humans and I think trying to use the other person language that mean you already trying to respect them , so they will be nice and help you if you said something you shouldn't say. And Thank you actually, for asking this beautiful question :) I wish I can do something more than just a thumb up :)
I don't think it's wrong but it can be a bit awkward to others since you probably want to get along with your Muslim friends and may find it respectful to say it to them. The phrase means "if God wills" so technically it stands for what you're saying it as your own Christian or Muslim beliefs as well.
Nice question Well, here in Egypt there are many Christians I think it is normal here, in shaa Allah is a word that all Egyptians use spontaneously Many arabic words are used the same way Did you know that the word يلاyalla which means lets go is originally two words ya Allah يا الله which means calling God or my god but with time it became common between Arabians whether Muslims, Christians or even atheists Nice question