Am I "bussick"? I feel sick when travelling by car. I cannot sit in a car for more than 10 minutes. By bus, on the other hand, I can sit in it all day ^.< Except that I see someone vomiting. So, I'm not carsick. Am I called a bussick person? Or: Are there any words to call peole who are same to me? Thank you a lot.
2016年2月17日 13:19
解答 · 2
"Bussick" looks odd because of the double S. (Before I read all of your question, I didn't even parse it as you intended.) So if that's what you want to say, use "bus-sick", or just "bus sick" if the meaning is clear without the hyphen. But an established phrase for this sort of discomfort is "motion sickness" or "travel sickness".