The grammar structure of this sentence: They favor easy to graze on vegetation. I ran into a sentence: "They favor easy to graze on vegetation." I thought it might be a mistake, but someone said it is correct sentence. "favor" is a transitive verb there, which takes a direct object, right? "easy" is an adjective and it can't be the object. The real object is placed at the end. I think the sentence should be "They favor vegetation that is easy to graze on." However, some two English native speakers said that the original sentence is grammatically correct and in English, there are so many ways of saying one thing. I agree with the latter, but I've never seen a structure like that during all my English grammar studies. Could you give me some examples?The whole context here: https://s16.postimg.org/d37xlgh91/favor.jpg
2016年11月23日 00:48
解答 · 3
There's an adjective clause here. "They favor easy-to-graze-on vegetation." You need hyphens to make it clear. Your way of writing it is also correct. "They favor vegetation that is easy to graze on."
The sentence is correct. Yours, however, is incorrect. You could say: "He favors sitting in big chairs."
Here, I try making another sentence: He favors big to sit on a chair. Does it work?