word request (adjective) What is the proper adjective for an act or work that needs sacrifice, selflessness, and devotion? We cannot say devotional because it is used in religious services, according to Merriam Webster's. So how do you define such an act, or work? Thank you all in advance.
2016年12月9日 21:13
解答 · 6
There are options: 1. a good deed 2. an act of kindness I hope that helps :-)
Adjectives could be: selfless, sacrificial, self-sacrificing, self-giving, self-denying, unselfish.... "Selfless" is probably the best choice, given the context that you wrote about the executive.
I mean I looked it up in Merriam and it is defined as "used in religious services". By sacrifice I mean giving up something you want to help others. You know, for example leaving your job as an executive and teaching to unprivileged children. It's a what act/work? Oh, let me see, can we use sacrificing?
Sorry, I do not understand you sentence "We cannot say devotional because it is used in religious services according to Merriam Webster's." You cannot use a word that is in the dictionary? "devotion" is like dedication - seems a little different to "sacrifice". Sacrifice may not be for others. It that case I guess it is not selfless. I sacrifice having icecream so that I can have cream buns. - not really selfless. . Maybe there are several adjectives, depending on the context? Sorry, not much help.