James Garner
What is the date on this official stamp? Please copy and paste the following link into a new tab on your browser and let me know what is the date of the official stamp shown. Is it in Persian calendar? What is the equivalent date in Georgian calendar? Please copy and paste the following link into a new tab on your browser to see the official stamp image: https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1KnnHd034YRtDx7e-avFFRYHgiN9edsa2mB_Zl-AOIrs/edit?usp=sharing
2016年12月12日 19:11
解答 · 7
It looks like it is 17/02/03, but it cannot be true. If '03' is '83' in fact, then it is May 6, 2004.
03 means 2003. this date is in Georgian calendar and It Is not in Persian calendar. (2003/FEB/17) Georgian calendar used to display on the official stamp mail in Iran ,I can remember that.