Some short questions please 1_How to say The waiter who only work in houses not in restaurant, is 服务员correct? 2_ how to say this this sentence In Chinese? I buy airplane ticket from online shopping. 3_What is the opposite of 故意in Chinese?
2017年1月20日 21:22
解答 · 4
For your reference as following: 1.” who only work in houses not in restaurant” for my understanding, do you mean those selling food in their own houses or rented houses without a business license? If yes, for those waiters working in such condition, may be you can call them “服务员”, or just to say “在里面工作的人员”. 2.” I buy airplane ticket from online shopping.”我在网上买的飞机票 or “我上网买的飞机票”. 3. The opposite of 故意in Chinese is 无意 or 无心 or 意外. Hope could be helpful :)
“How to say The waiter who only work in houses not in restaurant“ ??? What do you mean? Maybe you mean 仆人, servant or 保姆,nanny, housekeeper or 管家,housekeeper, butler I buy airplane ticket from online shopping. Maybe you mean: I always buy my aeroplane tickets online. 我总是在网上买飞机票。 故意 antonyms: 偶然,不小心,意外,