"do you have a car?" vs "have you a car?" Someone can help me? Which different between "do you have a car?" and "have you a car?" Thank you.
2017年11月18日 17:03
解答 · 4
They have the same meaning but the second is unusual and formal in modern English, especially in conversation. Except for the verb "to be", the auxiliary verb "do/does" is standard and correct for present simple questions and negations with all verbs.
In English the order of words is important. In other languages the order is flexible. Do you have a car? is the correct way to ask the question. Have a nice day! Have you ... ever had a car? In my opinion as a native speaker, it's best to put the interrogative words in the beginning of a sentence for people learning English as a second language. Who are you? What are you? Where are you? When are you coming? Why are you here? Do you have a car? How are you? How much does it cost? How many things are there? To ask if someone "possesses" something: Do you have x? The other method doesn't work in everyday usage. I'm not sure if it could be theoretically correct to say "have you a car?" Definitely, in everyday usage, say "do you have a car?" "The PRESENT PERFECT TENSE is formed with a present tense form of "to have" plus the past participle of the verb (which can be either regular or irregular in form). This tense indicates either that an action was completed (finished or "perfected") at some point in the past or that the action extends to the present:" use "have" + past participle in order to construct an appropriate phrase. hope that helps
I forgot the verb "to get" when used colloquially to mean "to have". "Got you any money?"
Great question. A similar question was asked before on here, but I like Mr. Chambers's concise answer. Subject-verb inversion, as a form to ask a question, might be familiar to speakers of German, Spanish, and French. But except for the verb "to be", a handful of modal verbs, and the verb "to have", this construction does not work. Are you a ghost? Can you juggle? Do you tweet? Might you be more cooperative? Have you any shame? Work you Monday? (WRONG) Unfortunately, these are the particulars of the English grammar.