rewriting Einstein In the very first episode of the X-files, when Mulder meets Scully, she asks him if he has any doubt about her qualifications or credentials and Mulder says: "You did your undergraduate degree in physics. 'Einstein's Twin Paradox: A New Interpretation.' Dana Scully's senior thesis. Now that's a credential -- rewriting Einstein." Could you please tell me what Mulder means by "rewriting Einstein" here? I also wonder if he's being sarcastic.
2018年11月8日 01:36
解答 · 1
Greetings from New Jersey, USA (where in fact Einstein taught!). You are onto the point: this is a comic or funny comment from Mulder. It is a bit of sarcasm, as if anyone could best Einstein, instead of simply trying to learn what he taught. It is a gentle put-down, "You think you can advance physics more than Einstein." Notice how quickly Mulder gets past his point in order to permit further discussion with Scully.