What is the meaning of 사는 편이어서 and V+보고? The full sentence is 선현우 : 그냥 책은 음... 직접 손으로 (네) 만져 보고 (네) 직접 그 자리에서 읽어 보고 (아~) 사는 편이어서 (아~) 예. I tried looking at the meaning of -는 편이에요 and learned that it means "fairly". https://www.howtostudykorean.com/unit-5/lessons-109-116/lesson-112/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Korean/comments/2d97og/말고_and_other_questions/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x https://www.koreanwikiproject.com/wiki/TTMIK_%EC%9D%B4%EC%95%BC%EA%B8%B0_(Iyagi)_2_-_English Also does 보고 in 만져 보고 mean "I tried to touch" as opposed to a 만지고 which I believe means to "to touch (and)"
2019年10月22日 15:48
解答 · 3
Yes. You're right. -는 편이에요 means 'fairly'. 만져 보고 (보다 + 그리고) --> 만져 보다 (to try to touch) + 그리고 (and) * -아/어 보다 : to try, attempt doing something