速く V.s 早く 速く and 早く, are they the same? Thank you very much.
2019年11月10日 15:58
解答 · 4
Here is my brief explanation. 速い ≒ fast 早い ≒ early 速く ≒ fast 早く ≒ to go reach earlier by a decided/expected time Here are examples. 速く走る run fast 速く歩く walk fast 速く読む read fast 早くに結婚する have an early marriage 早く着く arrive earlier ※Here is a complicated case of "早" 早口 = a fast rate of speech
We Japanese often say that the kanji 早 is for "early" and 速 for "fast" and claim we write that way, but actually we don't. 我们日本人经常说, <早>是和early对应的, <速>是和fast对应的 , 而且说我们用这个方式写文, 但是说实话我们这样不写 e.g, "Do it fast(*)" in English, "快点" in Chinese, but "早くしろ” in Japanese. (* Do it quickly, Make it snappy) It is not as clearly separated as "fast vs early" in English or "快 vs 早" in Chinese I should say this is one of our illogical, confused uses of kanji. e.g. we say 我们快走吧 as ”早く行かなきゃ” I suppose we actually write in the following way.. - early - 早(い) - fast/quick(people) - 早(い) - faster than others (people) - 速(い) - fast(things) - 速(い) ***1:early - 早(い) 早寝早起き、 早婚 早春(early in the spring) 朝早い。 早メシ ( e.g, have lunch before noon) 朝早く出社する。 お早うございます。 明日は、朝、仕事が早い(have to work earlier in the morning) *** fast(people) - 早(い) 早歩き(walk fast) 早くしろ (" you are doing slower than normal. Do it quickly". ) 早く!(Hurry up) 早く来て(Come quick) (何もたもたしてるんだ)早く来い! 早食い(eating fast) 早口(speak fast) **** faster than than ordinary people (people) - 速(い) 足が速い(run fast <faster than usual people> ) 歩くのが速い(walk faster <than ordinary people> ) 速記(can write faster <than ordinary people> ) 返事が速い(respond quicker <than ordinary people> ) 頭の回転が速い(smarter <than ordinary people> 仕事が速い(faster <than ordinary people>) 速読(real faster <than ordinary people>) **** fast(things, coception) ----> 速い 飛行機の方がクルマより速い(※ 飛行機の方がクルマより早く着く) 速く乾く。速乾タイプ 車輪が速く回る。高速回転。 スマホを速くする。 歩く速さ 読む速さ *** exception - 早食いコンテスト (Some people think 速食いコンテスト is better. I understand them) because 早食いコンテスト is a "食べる速さを競うコンテスト”  like 陸上競技 is a ”走る速さを競うコンテスト” - 速度を早める。 ***  仕事が速い、仕事が早い。Seaching it on Google, you will find both. *** Courpus 【早くしろ】