Chinese idiom: 囫囵吞枣 A long time ago, there was a teacher who had many students. One day, his students were eating pears and dates after class. Just then, a guest of the teacher came to visit. He was a doctor. He saw the students eating pears and dates and told them: “Eating pears is good for teeth, but bad for body, while eating dates is good for body, but bad for teeth.”  A young student thought for a while and said: “I've got a good idea!  I can eat pears with teeth and don't swallow them. And I can swallow dates without chewing.”  Then he put a date into his mouth and swallowed it immediately. Unluckily, he was choked by the date.
2021年9月19日 11:16
修正 · 3
Chinese idiom: 囫囵吞枣 A long time ago, there was a teacher who had many students. One day, his students were eating pears and dates after class. Just then, a guest of the teacher came to visit. He was a doctor. He saw the students eating pears and dates and told them: “Eating pears is good for your teeth, but bad for your body, while eating dates is good for your body, but bad for your teeth.”  A young student thought for a while and said: “I've got a good idea!  I can chew pears with my teeth and not swallow them. And I can swallow dates without chewing.”  Then he put a date into his mouth and swallowed it immediately. Unluckily, he was choked by the date.
Funny story! Your English is quite good