SUNDAY-JULY-5-2015 ~ 일요일-이천십오(년)-칠(월)- 오(잏) [part 2] SUNDAY-JULY-5-2015 ~ 일요일-이천십오(년)-칠(월)- 오(잏) [diary-part 2] ~ [2 부분 일기 ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *고쳐 주세요 - Please make corrections for me.* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #note = the most convenient way to check this journal = open this picture => #open this link if you want to see the previous part) = -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $THINGS I STILL DON’T UNDERSTAND (part 2)= $마음이 급하다고 일을 대충하면 안 되지요 = Even though you are in a rush, you cannot make a hasty job out of it ~ -다고 = ??? So most often -다고 is used to mark a clause that's being quoted, for example: "마이클 씨가 ~급하다고= ??? ~Specifically I'd like to look at the -다고 of 급하다고. I think, So most often -다고 is used to mark a clause that's being quoted, for example: "저가 바쁘다고 했어요" (I was busy). But in this sentence it doesn't seem that any quotation is going on. So (I think) it appears that -다고 has an alternate usage beyond/more than just quotation. I was wondering if anyone had any insight on this. Also if you happen to know of a book/website etc. that gives a treatment of this usage of -다고 I'd love to know about it ^^ *(btw, this insight is from )* $이 케이크를 만든 사람은 진짜 잘 만들었어요 = the person who made this cake did it so well ~만든 = ??? ~이 케이크를 만든 = make a cake ~사람은 진짜 잘 만들었어요 = the person made it so well ~ so what is the difference between만든 & 만들 ? $케이크를 만들 때 쿠키도 만들 거에요 = When I make cake, I will also make cookies ~Do we always have to put “ 만들“ BEFORE ”the object (+를/을)” = ??? $’s okay, you already did (trying) your best(well) = gwaenchana, neo neun i-mi JAL ryo sseoyo. 2. it’s okay, you already did (trying) your best = gwaenchana, neo neun i-mi e CHWE-SEON ryo sseoyo. ~which one is correct? = ??? Thank you ^^
٥ يوليو ٢٠١٥ ١٥:٢٥
التصحيحات · 6
Oh good! I also read this = it's so meaningfull! xD Thankyou for sharing your opinions!! <3
٦ يوليو ٢٠١٥
It's still possible to start more simply and discuss it and practice it and correct it with others to help reinforce it. Practicing and using the language will help it stick, I think. Also, this will give us less to explain for these more challenging and lengthy sentences ㅎㅎ
٦ يوليو ٢٠١٥
I support 은혜 (Hey! That's my name too!). Obviously you want to do something that interests you, but it's also important to study efficiently and effectively (so you don't waste time, money, etc or get confused and learn incorrectly). Only time will tell how things work out for you this way though~ I think it's really important to develop a solid foundation for yourself and practice conversation types of things and what's relevant to you and your life (as opposed to random vocabulary you won't need yet). Check this out: (just my opinion) Where do you get these sentences and what not from?
٦ يوليو ٢٠١٥
@ALaa : Hi again. thanks for your suggestion. yeah I already search some about it before, but still, because I still not really understand, that's why I asked about it via this journal. Your method is right, but I think.. I have my own method. I method that always help me since I kid, if I ask someone/chat about 'it', somehow/sometime, I can remember about it for a long time. ^^ Thank you!
٥ يوليو ٢٠١٥
Hi again =D And again It's about grammer so I'm not gonna correct it just a comment =D Try to find a lesson first of how to get adjective in past present and future form 만들다 is a special verb (irreguler?) so in the future conjucation 만들 때 means "when I'm gonna make " and the final verb 만들 거에요 ...So Please study these lessons first as you will have a better life instead of just memorizing sentences .Good luck
٥ يوليو ٢٠١٥
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