Comprehensible Input Community Members Unite! Calling all students and teachers interested in Acquiring Languages by way of Comprehensible Input*** (see my explanation below)!!! Please join and let's discuss ways that help you acquire the language. We can share resources and connect with each other! What language are you trying to pick up? What's your motivation? What are you listening to, watching, reading, etc.? Any good links you can share with the group to advance us along the road to our language acquisition? I teach English and Spanish, and I am trying to acquire French also. ***Comprehensible Input, according to Second Language Acquisition research, is the way in which we *acquire (different from *learn) languages. Just as when we were babies and young children, we had to take in a lot of the language and understand it, in order to eventually speak, so do we acquire a second (third, etc.) language at any age. We must be exposed to lots of rich (interesting), comprehensible (understandable) input (messages whether spoken or written), over and over and over. What is in our heads--grammar and vocabulary--is unconsciously absorbed by our evolved language-oriented brains. What gets in our heads (and we eventually are able to speak or write) is not learned by memorizing grammar rules or vocab lists; rather what gets in our heads and flows effortlessly (eventually) is acquired through lots of recycled input that we find interesting and understandable. As teachers, I believe we should be teaching for language proficiency through comprehensible input that connects with our students' minds and hearts. As language learners, I believe we should find ways in which acquiring language is a fun, or at least interesting endeavor instead of thinking that it must be a nervous endeavor of hard work. These are values I think are necessary for any community to thrive: Similar Values, Goals, Worldviews, and Kind People who Genuinely want to Be Together.
١٦ سبتمبر ٢٠٢١ ٢٢:١٧
التعليقات · 6
Hi! I'd like to share two videos about comprehensible input which i found very useful to understand why and how it works. I hope you like it (maybe you already know).It was like a revelation for me and then I started reading more about it. - -
١٦ سبتمبر ٢٠٢١
Hey! Thanks for sharing! Currently, I'm trying to pick up English as I started learning a course in this language. What's motivate and scares me most of all - be accepted by society, being understood by people, be able to contribute to solving problems, just to be part of something bigger than me. Talking with people really helps me to practice more listening and speaking, reading news (not about covid haha), watching movies.
١٧ سبتمبر ٢٠٢١
Amazing! I am also learning French with compressible input videos, I enjoy the process, I learn words every day, and I remember those already learned, because the repetition of words is also important. A few days ago I started using comprehensible input in my Spanish classes, especially for beginners. I would love to share and exchange resources with students and teachers.
١٦ سبتمبر ٢٠٢١