19926 يشاركون
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我自己感觉广告的作用比以前效果不那么好,那是因为大多数人有想买的东西的时候,他们首先积极地调查那个商品的评论后才决定自己买不买。就是说,他们直接不相信企业制作的广告形象设计,可是相信别人的意见和使用舒服的程度,尤其是过度相信名人说的话。所以很多企业品牌也很注重口碑,想要得到现在很受欢迎的网红的帮助。 私個人の意見ですが、広告のチカラは以前ほどではないと思います。それは、多くの人が物を買おうとする時、まずその商品の口コミを調べまくり、それでやっと買うか買わないかを決めるからです。つまり、人々は企業が作った広告イメージを鵜呑みにはせず、他人の意見や使い勝手を信じます。特に有名人の言葉にとても弱いです。だから、多くの企業は口コミを重視して、人気のあるインフルエンサーのチカラを借りたいと考えます。
١٤ فبراير ٢٠٢٥ ٠٨:٣٢
Here’s a list of 20 B1-level synonyms to replace A2-level words/phrases, focusing on business vocabulary, along with examples: 1. Help → Assist - We assist clients with their financial planning. 2. Buy → Purchase - The company plans to purchase new software next month. 3. Ask for → Request - You can request additional time to complete the project. 4. Need → Require - The job requires excellent communication skills. 5. Big → Significant - This decision will have a significant impact on our sales. 6. Job → Position - She applied for the marketing manager position. 7. Say no → Decline - They had to decline the offer due to budget constraints. 8. Help → Support - The IT team provides support to all employees. 9. Start → Launch - They plan to launch the new product next quarter. 10. Give → Provide - We provide training for all new staff. 11. Change → Modify - We need to modify the contract terms. 12. Wait → Delay - The meeting was delayed due to technical issues. 13. Look for → Seek - The company is seeking a new partner for the project. 14. Say → State - The CEO stated the company's goals for the year. 15. Check → Verify - Please verify the figures before submitting the report. 16. Fix → Resolve - The team worked to resolve the issue quickly. 17. Show → Demonstrate - The report demonstrates the growth in customer satisfaction. 18. Deal with → Handle - He handles customer complaints efficiently. 19. Plan → Strategy - Our strategy focuses on long-term growth. 20. Talk about → Discuss - We will discuss the budget in the next meeting.
Do you always check a word’s synonyms when learning new vocabulary?
🔹 Yes! It helps me expand my vocabulary.
🔹 Sometimes, if I don’t know the meaning.
🔹 No, I usually just memorise the main definition
5 أجروا الاختبار
١٣ فبراير ٢٠٢٥ ١١:٠٠
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