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Share your favorite Podcasts or anything you've learned from Podcasts here. italki Teachers can create their own podcasts here. Listening to Podcasts is a great way to improve your listening skill.
Once you can positively identify what your ultimate language learning goal is, I want you to divide these goals into smaller goals or you can say this is the part where you lower your goals a little, and this is ok. It doesn’t make you a lesser human being. How many goals have been unfulfilled because the initial expectation was too high? Too many learners just give up completely. Lower your goal until you reach a base point which you can reach within 7 days. Once you have achieved this base point, work your way up to the next 7 days and then the 7 days further and so forth. 💬 Want personalized guidance? Book a session with me on Italki, and we’ll map out your customized learning path. Together, we’ll make every step count!
Tip 47 - Set your ideal goal but also set the lowest goal that you can achieve within 7 days
What strategy keeps you on track when it comes to mastering a new language? 🔥
1️⃣ Outpost Goals: Small goals are perfect first.
2️⃣ Daily Grind: I push through with consistency.
3️⃣ Goal Visualizing: I visualize my success.
4️⃣ Stress Mode: I thrive under pressure.
5 أجروا الاختبار
٢٠ أكتوبر ٢٠٢٤ ١٦:٣٨
Learning a language through short stories is one of the most effective ways to make progress while enjoying the process. Stories capture our imagination and keep us engaged, making the learning experience more fun and memorable. When language learners are exposed to short stories that match their comprehension level, they absorb new vocabulary and sentence structures naturally. This method of learning is often referred to as comprehensible input—where the material is just challenging enough to help learners grow, but not so difficult that it feels frustrating. If you're looking for an engaging way to practice Ukrainian, my podcast, Easy Stories in Ukrainian, is the perfect resource. Each episode contains simple, entertaining stories designed for beginner learners. You’ll hear clear, slow narration with easy-to-follow plots, making it ideal for anyone new to the language. Whether you’re commuting, relaxing at home, or going for a walk, you can immerse yourself in Ukrainian through short, enjoyable stories. By listening to the podcast regularly, you’ll start to improve your comprehension, expand your vocabulary, and become more confident with sentence structures. Give Easy Stories in Ukrainian a try, and enjoy learning Ukrainian in a way that feels natural and rewarding!
Episode 2 - A Strange Cookie for John
Do you agree that learning a language through short comprehensible stories is effective?
I doubt it
Not at all
0 أجروا الاختبار
١٩ أكتوبر ٢٠٢٤ ٠٩:٠٠
📚 Unlock the Secrets to Mastering Vocabulary with Ease! 🎧 Hello Italki students and language learners! 🌍 Are you ready to transform how you learn vocabulary? In the latest episode of my podcast, I dive into a powerful yet stress-free approach to expanding your vocabulary through reading newspapers and magazines—without getting lost in grammar rules. Here’s a sneak preview of what you’ll discover: ✨ How to immerse yourself in real-world language and pick up essential words naturally. ✨ The “Wordsmith Mindset”—focusing on vocabulary for effective communication, even when grammar isn’t perfect. ✨ Why context is key: Learn how understanding the general idea can boost your retention and help you use words confidently. If you're eager to refine your learning strategy, book a class with me on Italki, and let’s explore how you can integrate these techniques into your personalized learning plan. Together, we’ll sharpen your language skills and turn you into a true vocabulary master. 🎧 Tune in to the podcast for more insights and book your class today!
Tip 46 - Read newspapers and magazines to learn vocabulary
🧠 How Do You Master Vocabulary? 📚 What’s your preferred method?
Contextual Reading: Picking up words from books.
Flashcards: Using repetition to memorize words.
Conversation: Learning through speaking practice.
Writing: Using new words in sentences.
5 أجروا الاختبار
١٦ أكتوبر ٢٠٢٤ ١٨:٢٣
Are you Serious About Mastering English or Malay? Whether you’re aiming for fluency in English or Malay, there’s one tool that serious learners can’t afford to ignore: the Mistake Book. 🔍 What exactly is a Mistake Book? ✏️ Track Your Mistakes: Write down the errors you make in speaking or writing, so you can see exactly where you went wrong. ✅ Correct and Reflect: Next to each mistake, write the correct version and a brief explanation of why it’s wrong, helping you understand the root of the problem. 🧠 Learn Actively: By reviewing your mistakes regularly, you engage in active problem-solving, which strengthens your long-term language skills. Ready to see real progress? Start your Mistake Book today and turn your errors into language mastery!
Tip 45 - Create a Mistake book as a reminder not to repeat the same mistake again.
Would you consider creating a Mistake Book?
I don't know.
7 أجروا الاختبار
١٥ أكتوبر ٢٠٢٤ ١٣:٠٥
In this episode I will share some fun experiences about Travelling in China. Discover the best way to travel in China that fits your style! Enjoy~ Here are some useful words you may learn from this episode: 1. 旺季 wàng jì 英文解释: peak season 中文解释: 经济活动、旅游等领域中最繁忙的季节,通常需求量和价格较高。 2. 淡季 dàn jì 英文解释: off-season 中文解释: 需求相对较少,经济活动较为清淡的季节,价格通常较低。 3. 暑期 shǔ qī 英文解释: summer vacation 中文解释: 学生暑假期间,通常在夏季,是旅行和活动的高峰期。 4. 长假 cháng jià 英文解释: long holiday 中文解释: 通常指时间较长的假期,比如国庆节或春节。 5. 性价比 xìng jià bǐ 英文解释: cost-performance ratio 中文解释: 产品或服务的质量与其价格之间的比值,性价比高指质量较好、价格合理。 6. 攻略 gōng lüè 英文解释: strategy or guide 中文解释: 旅游、游戏等领域中的指南或建议,帮助人们更好地规划和执行计划。 7. 搜索框 sōu suǒ kuàng (播客中我的发音有误) 英文解释: search box 中文解释: 在网页或应用程序上用来输入关键词进行搜索的文本框。 8. 地貌 dì mào 英文解释: landform 中文解释: 地球表面自然形成的各种形态,如山脉、平原、河谷等。 9. 行程 xíng chéng 英文解释: itinerary 中文解释: 旅行或活动的详细计划和安排。 10. 心仪 xīn yí 英文解释: be fond of; admire 中文解释: 对某事物或某人感到喜爱或仰慕。 11. 设施 shè shī 英文解释: facility 中文解释: 为特定用途提供的设备或建筑物,如体育设施、医疗设施等。 12. 方言 fāng yán 英文解释: dialect 中文解释: 某一地区特有的语言变体,与标准语言或其他方言有所不同。 13. 启发 qǐ fā 英文解释: inspiration; enlightenment 中文解释: 通过某种事物或经验引起新的思考或获得新想法。 14. 历史悠久 lì shǐ yōu jiǔ 英文解释: long history 中文解释: 拥有悠久的发展历程,通常用于形容古老的文化或事物。 15. 地大物博 dì dà wù bó 英文解释: vast territory and abundant resources 中文解释: 国家或地区面积广阔,资源丰富。 16. 仅此而已 jǐn cǐ ér yǐ 英文解释: that's all 中文解释: 事情只有这些,没有更多的内容。 17. 货比三家 huò bǐ sān jiā 英文解释: shop around 中文解释: 购物时货比三家,以找到最合适的价格或质量。 18. 五湖四海 wǔ hú sì hǎi 英文解释: all corners of the world 中文解释: 指世界各地,也可指来自各地的人们。 19. 入乡随俗 rù xiāng suí sú 英文解释: when in Rome, do as the Romans do 中文解释: 到了某个地方,应遵守当地的风俗习惯。
Travelling in China~在中国旅行
١٢ أكتوبر ٢٠٢٤ ١٤:٣١
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