Italy is renowned for its ancient history, picturesque art, and, of course, its delicious cuisine. One of the things that Italy is famous for is none other than "il caffè" 

You can't visit Italy without trying a good espresso. However, did you know there are many ways of ordering coffee in Italy?

Let’s find out what they are so you can enjoy a nice cup of coffee whenever you are there 

1. “Un caffè per favore” - A coffee, please

This is the easiest and most common way of ordering coffee in Italy. When you ask for “un caffè”, you'll typically get a black espresso served in a small cup. There is no verb in this sentence. As long as you say coffee, people will understand you.

2. “Ti va di prendere un caffè?” - Would you like to have a coffee?

Usually, this is an invitation to a friend asking if they are feeling for coffee. It is a very casual and informal way of asking if someone wants a cup of coffee. The formal way of this version would be “ le va di prendere un caffè?”

3. “Ti va un caffè?” - Do you want a coffee?

Like the previous phrase, it is an open invitation to a friend to have a coffee. Whether you use the phrase in number 2 or number 3, they both mean the same thing and they can be used in the same context.

4. “Ti andrebbe un caffè?” - Would you like a coffee?

An informal way of asking someone if they would like a coffee. Here you are inviting a friend to have a coffee. The verb tense used is the present conditional.

5. “Ce lo prendiamo un caffè?” - Shall we have a coffee together?

This expression is used among friends or family to invite someone for coffee. It is another way of asking a friend to take a coffee, but in this case, the verb “ prendiamo” which is the plural first-person pronoun, implies that both people will go and have a cup of coffee.

7. “Andiamo a prendere un caffè?” - Should we go get a coffee?

Very similar to the previous sentence where both the person asking and the person being invited are going for a coffee.

8. “Ci vediamo per un caffè?” - Shall we meet for a coffee?

This sentence is slightly different than the previous one as you would use this if you are planning a meet-up for a coffee with a friend.

9. “Ti va di uscire a prendere un caffè?” - Would you like to go out for a coffee?

In this particular context, when you use this sentence, it means you are more likely in a home setting and you are asking your friend/ family or whoever is with you to go out to have a coffee.

10. “Ci saresti per un caffè?” - Would you be available for a coffee?

Asking someone if they are available to meet for coffee. The verb tense used here is the conditional tense which means that we are not sure if they will likely be available or not for the coffee, but you are still opening the invitation to them.

11. “Ci facciamo un caffè dopo?” - Should we make a coffee together afterward?

This sentence can have two meanings: it could mean to have coffee together or it could also mean to make coffee together. So depending on the context, it could mean that you are having coffee either inside at your home or outside in a coffee shop.

In Italy, you will hear very often in any of the above phrases. It is part of the culture, routine, and morning rituals of every single Italian to get together for a coffee. Coffee is used to connect, socialize, and be present with one another.

Now that you have learned some new vocabulary and new ways to order coffee… “ci facciamo un caffè insieme?