#38  紅葉 / Autumn colors // N4 Level /Japanese listening
#38 紅葉 / Autumn colors // N4 Level /Japanese listening
29. Oktober 2022
Today’s Theme is “紅葉(こうよう)《Autumn colors》”. This episode is JLPT-N4 level. I created a quiz on this episode. After listening, please take the quiz! Please use this audio for listening and shadowing practices. ☆Words☆ 紅葉狩り(もみじがり / momijigari):This is a yearly event for many Japanese people in Autumn. The word “Momiji” in Momiji-gari means Autumn colours, and “gari” means hunting. Japanese people go out to parks and mountains where they can see lots of trees in their Autumn colors – yellows, oranges and reds, and simply enjoy the beautiful change of seasons from Summer to Autumn. お花見(おはなみ / ohanami):Ohanami is a traditional Japanese custom in spring. At a cherry blossom viewing party, people get together under cherry blossom trees and enjoy eating and drinking. 嵐山(あらしやま / arashiyama):Arashiyama is an area in the western part of Kyoto City. The mountain named Arashiyama at an altitude of 382 meters in the western part of Kyoto City, the surrounding mountains, and the foot of the mountain are generally called Arashiyama. At the foot of Arashiyama, there are many historical temples, shrines, and historic sites, making it a famous tourist destination. 上旬(じょうじゅん / jōjun):at the beginning of the month 中旬(ちゅうじゅん / chūjun):in the middle of the month 下旬(げじゅん / gejyun):at the end of the month 日光(にっこう / nikkō):Nikko is a town located in Tochigi Prefecture. Tochigi prefecture is an inland prefecture located in the northern part of the Kanto region. Nikko has many old-style buildings, and it is registered as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage. 新幹線(しんかんせん / shinkansen):bullet train ☆Script for this episode The scripts (URL) are listed in the overview section of the channel. ☆Quiz for this episode
Simple Japanese Listening with Meg(めぐ)Smile