Today, a typhoon is coming in Japan. Although using my umbrella when I walked outside, my lower body got soaked and my umbrella is broken😭 By the way, did you know that the difference between a typhoon, cyclone and hurricane is the area they developed? In the area where I live, it is called a typhoon, but what is it called in the area where you live? All of their name is so cool, but I dislike them because they cause significant damage to us😡 After a typhoon passes, it is going to be sunny, so I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s coming!
1. Okt. 2021 14:42
Korrekturen · 1
Today, a typhoon is coming in Japan. Although using my umbrella when I walked outside, my lower body got soaked and my umbrella is broken😭 By the way, did you know that the difference between a typhoon, cyclone and hurricane is the area they developed? In the area where I live, it is called a typhoon, but what is it called in the area where you live? All of their name is so cool, but I dislike them because they cause significant damage to us😡 After a typhoon passes, it is going to be sunny, so I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s coming!
I hope everything of you will be fine.
1. Oktober 2021
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