Sofia Elhami
Teasing patterns - Malaysian's "syiok sendiri!?"

*This topic was made just for the sake of practising my English speaking skill. I've been trying to increase my fluency and expressiveness while speaking in English, but at the same time maintaining my local Malaysian English tone/accent. Please check my recording out on the link below and tell me your honest opinion on it, I need improvements!*




Hi, italki! Today I'm going to talk about one of the things that us Malaysians have, which is the term, "syiok sendiri"! "Syiok sendiri" usually happens when someone comes up to you and gives you a compliment, and then you can't get over the compliment for the whole day or the whole week. That is either because you're extremely happy with it, or you're overthinking about it. Like, "whoa, this person might have certain feelings for me," or, "is there any underlying meaning behind all this!?". So, basically "syiok sendiri" means "to be full of yourself". Why I'm talking about this term right now is because, from what I've observed from Malaysians, they are usually more subtle and not quite direct when it comes to complimenting their friends and people around them. I don't know if that has anything to do with how most Asians are reserved, but I think it's more about Malaysian's pattern of teasing. So, since it's just one of Malaysian's patterns of teasing, don't get offended by it, just in case if you're not a Malaysian, and the people in your country are not used to complimenting people this way. Because I know that everyone in their country has their own way of teasing people and this is how Malaysians do it. 


So, as a conclusion, what we have learnt for today are: Malaysian's pattern of teasing, one of them, and also the widely used Malaysian term which is "syiok sendiri"! I'd like to know about other country's pattern of teasing too. If there's anything you'd like to share, anything you'd like to say on this topic, drop a comment below and I'll be really happy to read them! Later.

11. Jan. 2016 09:32