Richard-Business Eng
Professionelle Lehrkraft
Name That Tune...
This is a test of your popular English music knowledge.
Some of the songs may have been popular before you were born, but all the songs were extremely popular, so you may be interested in them and also in their lyrics.

You can see the name of the artist(s), the name of the song and a link to the video (and lyrics) when you select the blank rows below the excerpted lyrics:

"Are you warm, are you real ____ ____ or just a cold and lonely lovely work of art?
Nat King Cole - Mona Lisa

"_____ ___ can make this world seem right, _____ ___ can make the darkness bright... 
The Platters - Only You

"... know the heartaches I've been through... know I've cried and cried for you"
Roy Orbison - Only The Lonely

"We had a love... a love you don't find every day"
Righteous Brothers - You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'

"Saturday night and we're in the spot... Don't believe me just watch"
Bruno Mars - Uptown Funk

2. Juni 2018 14:02