Teacher Nate ⭐
Professionelle Lehrkraft
To celebrate the beginning of summer, here are twenty idioms about the warm weather seasons:

<ol><li>a place in the sun – a position of advantage</li><li>a touch of the sun – slight sunstroke</li><li>come rain or shine – whatever the weather/situation</li><li>everything under the sun – everything on earth</li><li>happy is the bride the sun shines on – old proverb saying that if the sun shines on your wedding day, you will have good luck</li><li>high season – the most popular time to visit an attraction or resort, the time of year when the prices are the most expensive</li><li>Indian Summer – a period of unexpected hot and dry weather, often in the Autumn months</li><li>knight in shining armour – an idealised and chivalrous hero who rescues someone from a difficult situation</li><li>midsummer madness – foolish/reckless behaviour which seems to escalate at the height of summer</li><li>on which the sun never sets – worldwide</li><li>one swallow doesn't make a summer – one good/lucky event should not always be seen as an indication that what follows will be good as well</li><li>one’s day in the sun – the time when someone achieves the highest possible level of success</li><li>ray of sunshine – a person who brings happiness into the lives of others (often used sarcastically to refer to someone with a gloomy outlook on life)</li><li>spring cleaning – thorough house cleaning</li><li>spring chicken – a young person</li><li>spring forward, fall back – a mnemonic to help you remember that the clocks move an hour forward in the spring and an hour back in the autumn</li><li>sun-drenched – getting a lot of sunshine</li><li>to brighten up – to become more cheerful</li><li>to make hay when the sun shines – to make the most of an opportunity while it lasts</li><li>to take a shine to – to develop a liking for</li></ol>

14. Juni 2020 15:05