Sr David Ashburn
Supe or Sabia
Im trying to learn the use of this word (Supe) and when it is used . I realize it is a form of the verb Saber
I thoughtSupe was used for (I found out) but then discovered the word Descrubi is used for that.
I know sabia is (I knew) Does Anyone have an explanation?
26. Juni 2020 16:46
Kommentare · 3
To know = Saber

Generally, the preterite is used for completed actions (actions that have definite beginning and end points.) These can be actions that can be viewed as single events, actions that were part of a chain of events or actions that specifically state the beginning and end of an action.


Mis amigos estaban asombrados porque SUPE la respuesta cuando el maestro hizo la pregunta.
My friends were amazed because I KNEW the answer when the teacher asked the question.

SUPE que Jim está enfermo.
I found out that Jim is sick.

Fui al baile anoche.
I went to the dance last night.

The imperfect tense is generally used for actions in the past that do not have a definite end. These can be actions that are not yet completed or refer to a time in general in the past. It can also be used to talk about:

   -actions that were repeated habitually
   -actions that set the stage for another past tense event
   -time and dates
   -a person’s age in the past
  -mental or physical states


SABÍA que ganaría la competencia.
I KNEW that I would win the competition.

Cuando era niña, jugaba con muñecas.
When I was a child, I used to play with dolls.


They actually have the same verbal meaning, but their use differs when mentioning that one knowledge (sabía) was "CONTINUOUS" or "PERMANENT", while the other (supe) is given AT A SPECIFIC MOMENT.

SUPE que Jim está enfermo.
I found out that Jim is sick. (At a specific moment you found out that)

SABÍA que ganaría la competencia
I KNEW that I would win the competition. (The knowledge that I would be the winner was there since before the competition. Although we do not know exaclty since when)

When someone gives/tells you the information/knowledge, it is better to use "Supe que/Me enteré de que."
When you discover something by yourself, it is better to use "Descubrí que."

I hope this helps.
26. Juni 2020
Hey David. Ya lo sabía, Yo lo supe todo este tiempo. I consulted on a page and I could find this

The choice between the simple or indefinite past perfect (supe) and the imperfect (sabía) assumes that, in the first case, the action occurs at a specific moment in the past, as a finished, closed action; in the second, on the other hand, that verbal action cannot be located at an exact point in time, but is presented in development, unfinished, or as a description of reality.

By the way, "Saber" is also for flavor, "taste".
Ella sabe mucho sobre matemáticas. "to know"
La arepa sabe riquísimo. "to taste"

I hope it works for you

26. Juni 2020
Saber is used to express knowledge or facts, how to do something, and a capability, like speaking Spanish. Interrogative expressions like quién, qué, dónde, cuándo, por qué, and cómo imply facts and require the use of 'saber'.
For example:
Él supo cuándo es la cita.
Supe dónde estaba el archivo.
26. Juni 2020