しゃべり場で使えるフレーズ集  - useful and easy phrase for しゃべり場(I'd translate "a chat room" in English for the moment)

Hi, I'm leaving some useful phrases and greetings that you can say in a chat on Skype. (http://www.italki.com/groups/4211/topic/45840.htm)


I'm writing some in polite style because the polite style is actually much easier than casual one. When you learn Japanese verbs, you'd see what I mean. Verbs change their endings depending on what you want to say and casual one changes quite irreguraly whereas polite one don't (so much)


Anywaaaay, here we go.

Ah, any other suggestions are very welcome. It doesn't matter if you are a native-speaker or not. I'll check if it is appropriate, so feel free to add your suggestions. Two heads are better than one.<img title="Wink" src="http://www.italki.com/Scripts/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-wink.gif" alt="Wink" border="0" />

11. Juli 2012 06:32
Kommentare · 4

お先です / お先に失礼します(おさきにしつれいします): when you go off leaving others

おやすみなさい:good night

I'm thinking if there's a good polite way to say for ”じゃ、また", but nothing hits me yet. Actually, 「では、また」 isn't polite enough, I suppose.
I'd say [では、みなさん、またよろしくおねがいします。お先に失礼します。さようなら。] when I leave if I were you who joined such a chat for the first time.
I think I'm quite polite on my own!

さようなら: good bye


いってきます: its a greeting, said when you're going (to somewhere you are supposed to go)e.g.公園(こうえん:park) へ いってきます!
いってらっしゃい:said when somebody said "いってきます"


みなさん:means "all", said when you want to say something to everybody.
e.g.) みなさん、聞こえますか?(みなさん、きこえますか?)- do you hear me, all?

どなたか(politer)/だれか:だれ(who you are not sure) + か in a questioning, it would means "anybody"
e.g.) どなたか、聞こえますか?(どなたか、きこえますか?)- does anybody hear me?

こちらは○時です。(こちらは○時です)We learn about the way to say "time" on Lesson 3.

11. Juli 2012


そろそろ、失礼します。:said when you're letting others know you're going off
そろそろ、切ります。(きります):I'm going to be off.
would be fine too, I suppose.

By the way, you can chose what you want to say in any languages, unless if it is neither grammatically wrong nor obviously unappropriate.
You'll meet lots of people and their expresshions/phrases. Choose what you like. If you see natives who speaks a bit different way, ask them. Probably they'd pleased to explain why they chose the phrases. The words are reflected by their idea and phillosophy. It might be just their dialect, though!

11. Juli 2012


わかりますか?- do you understand?
 - はい、わかります。-yes I do.
 - いいえ、わかりません。-no I don't.

わかりましたか?- did you understand?
 - はい、わかりました。
 -  いいえ、わかりませんでした。


- I didn't catch you.

- say that again, please.

- write it in text, please.


- I don't know the kanji there.

- write it in hiragana, please.


すみません excuse me, sorry
ごめんなさい sorry, excuse me


ありがとう(ございます) thank you


11. Juli 2012


おはようございます: good morning
こんにちは:hello/good afternoon
こんばんは:good evening

僕が見えますか?(ぼくがみえますか?)(for male only)

- do you see me?

はい、見えます。(はい、みえます)- yes, i do.
いいえ、見えません。(いいえ、みえません)-no, i don't.


僕の声は聞こえますか?(ぼくのこえはきこえますか?) (for male only)

- do you hear me?


はい、聞こえます。(はい、きこえます) - yes, I do.
いいえ、聞こえません。(いいえ、きこえません)- no, I don't.


11. Juli 2012