لتفا یک جمله فارسی می نویسد و خواهم به انگلیسی آن را می نویسم

Please write a sentence in Farsi and I will write it in English is what the title should say.


This is what I think the pronunciation of the title is. Please correct me if it is wrong.

Lotfan yek jomleh e farsi minevisad va khoham beh englisi un ra minevisam.

(remember I want Tehran accent).

3. Okt. 2013 01:28
Kommentare · 14



But you need to work more.


I want to go to school.

Why don't you pay attention to the class?

I will marry in two months. (There is not anything meaning You in this sentence)


Boy. I went to buy these pants from the market yesterday. Does it suit me?

It's crying on your body => Literally means: It doesn't suit you.

Go! => Tehranis use this expression to express disagreement with audience. "Boro baba".

5. Oktober 2013

If you want Tehran accent it will be:

[ Lotfan ye jomleye fArsi benevisid, man englisisho minevisam ]


[ Lotfan ye jomle be fArsi benevisid tA man englishisho benevisam ] ("A" is pronounced like u in cut)

[ jomleye fArsi ] = Persian sentence

[ jomle be fArsi ] = sentence in Persian

[ tA ] ~ so (we don't use and [ va] in speaking in this case)

We don't use [ va ] in speaking at all, instead we use [ o ] for example [ man o to] (I and you) but in this case we don't use even [ o ].

[ englisisho ] = [ englisi - ye - An ra ] = English of that

We rarely use future form of word in speaking. We don't say [man khAham nevesht] in speaking. It's just formal and written form. We say [man fardA uno minevisam] (I'll write it tomorrow) not [man fardA An rA khAham nevesht] (I'll write it tomorrow)

3. Oktober 2013

لطفاً یک جمله فارسی بنویسید و من انگلیسی آن را خواهم نوشت.

لتفا => لطفاً
می نویسد => بنویسید
خواهم .... می نویسم => .... خواهم نوشت

Just spelling error.

The imperative form is one that I suggested. You used the continous present form of verb. Also the verb you used if for the absent person, not the person whom you are talking to.
That is how you must tell your plans or future actions. 'nevesht' is a past tense but after 'khaham' the combination is a future tense.

sometimes 'خوا' is pronounces as 'خا'. I did not find the reasoning behind this. However, this is very rare. Maybe just a handful number of words like 'خواهر'(sister/khahar). So just memorize them as irregular spellings.

3. Oktober 2013


Please translate this sentence: sokoot sarshar az nagoftehast

سکوت، سرشار از ناگفته هاست/this is a nice sentence ,is a poetry of "Shamloo" .a poetry with a simple meaning one.....

25. September 2014

  می دونم مدت زیادی از این بحثی که گذاشتی می گذره ولی خب دو تا چیزو می خواستم بگم:

آتش است این بانگ نای و نیست باد/ هر کس این آتش ندارد نیست باد شعریه که نه تنها ترجمش به انگلیسی کار من و امثال من نیست بلکه حتی خیلی از اونایی که زبان مادریشون فارسی هست معنی این یک بیت شعر رو نمی دونن


نکته دوم اینکه: 

من تازه کار هستم معنیش به انگلیسی نمیشه

i have a new job.

تازه کار یعنی مبتدی، بی تجربه، کسی که تازه یه کاریو شروع کرده. مثلا می تونستی بگی 

i'm new at my job

ولی معنی بهترش این می شه که: 

i'm a beginner.

چون تازه کار بودن صرفا مربوط به شغل و حرفه شما نیست و می تونه به هر چیزی اشاره داشته باشه


25. September 2014
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