Your Effort

What do you do to improve your foreign language?

How long you study foreign language every day?


29. Juni 2014 02:35
Kommentare · 3

When i was in China, i learned english in school and did lots of practice in english books. But I didn't use english in daily life. I could get good scores in tests but i cannot speak english very well. After I came to America to continue my undergraduate, I must use english every day. And i found that my spoken english improved very quickly. So, i think, if you want to learn new language, u need to use it in your daily life, and speak it with native speaker as much as u can. You need to practice more very ofter.

29. Juni 2014

In my experience the best way, apart from studying, is practice.  Practice with  a teacher.  You will find what you have learnt in the books will be transformed in your speech.

29. Juni 2014

Speak with natives and listen to natives speak(tv shows/movies) to improve foreign language skills and I study about 1 hour daily.

29. Juni 2014