Learning Article : Bullfighting In Spain

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<a href='/article/236/bullfighting-in-spain' target='_blank'>Bullfighting In Spain</a>

Bullfighting has been an integral part of Spanish culture for the past centuries, but these days it sometimes becomes a controversial topic. Learn the basics of different types of bullfighting (including encierros and bous al carrer) and arguments from both sides here...

27. Aug. 2014 00:00
Kommentare · 49

I was invited to one when I was living in Southern Spain. Honestly, it was one of the worst experiences of my life. I wish I didn't have that as part of my entire Spanish experience. I nearly passed out in the hot Andalusian sun and from the horror of it. It stained the other beautiful experiences I had in Spain with blood. It wasn't even a fair fight. They almost killed the poor thing before the matador even came out. It could barely stand and then some cocky guy comes out and acts all macho in front of a half dead bull. It was truly horrific. 


I had gone to see the remains of Roman stadiums while I was in Spain. It reminded me what it must have been like back then. It was like a remnant of lions, elephants and Christians being killed in public to fill the blood thirst of the masses. 


Spain doesn't need bullfights to be recognized around the world! There are so many fantastic, LIFE AFFIRMING traditions in Spain that are filled with beauty, joy and love. I have tried to cover up that memory with the sounds of Spanish guitar and clapping and beatiful dances instead. 



27. August 2014

I'm sorry, but animal cruelty for me is not acceptable these days anymore.  Bull fighting, cock fighting etc..

27. August 2014

I cannot comprehend people who are not vegans and criticise bullfighting. The bulls used live much better lives than those used in the diary and meat industry.

5. September 2014

Soy española y si mi fuera las prohibiría. La gente que lo apoya, lo defiende diciendo que es una tradición cultural, no entiendo como se puedes llamar cultura a algo así, y lo mejor de todo, dicen que el toro no sufre, jajaja!. Creo que ante todo está el respeto ante la vida de otro ser, sea o no humano. Pienso como Dorothy, si todo lo tradicional se debiera mantener en el tiempo en Italia aún estarian arrojando cristianos a los leones.

5. September 2014

For me, bullfighting is a very interesting cultural phenomenon that in many ways forges the image of Spain outside Spain. A torero plays an important part in Mérimée's Carmen, and in Bizet's opera adaptaion this character gets one of the most catchy pieces of music ever written. The same with matadors in La Traviata. All these works were written by non-Spaniards, by people for whom Spain was something exotic and fascinating. They made of the bullring a symbol of life and death, and this image is important for the world culture - even to people who have never seen a bullfight.


As to the actual bullfights, I don't really care if they take place or not nowadays. Defending animal rights is a very good thing, but the problem is, human rights are violated so brutally in many countries that it seems to me more important to defend them first. When there is no racism, gender inequality, oppression and domestic violence anymore, I think humanity will naturally think about stopping bullfights or becoming vegetarian all over the world :) Once again, it is not a bad thing to fight for that right now, but for me it just isn't a priority.

27. August 2014
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