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Learning Article : Enseñar Y Aprender Un Idioma: ¿Gramática O Práctica?

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To be able to speak to someone in their own language is powerful, indeed. Whether studying or teaching, which is most important to start with, correct grammar or conversational practice? (This article is written in Spanish.)

30. Sep. 2014 00:00
Kommentare · 46

Hola a todos.


Señor Adonde fueres haz lo,

En España decimos: Los consejos se piden, no se dán" y usted empezó dando consejos en vez de una opinión. Usted decidió de una manera poco ortodoxa corregir el comentario de otro estudiante de manera pública y poco delicada. Solemente decirle que todos cometemos fallos incluido usted en el texto introductorio de su perfil en Italki:

Estoy interesado en hacer intercambios en español e inglés por Skype.


Cuando una persona (con español perfecto como dice usted que tiene) lee esta frase entiende que usted intercambia objetos u otros menesteres en ambas lenguas. Es decir, usted puede hacer esta acción de cambiar en dos lenguas...y no el intercambio lingüístico al que usted quiere referirse. Para ello debería cambiar la preposición "en" por "de":


Estoy interesado en hacer intercambios de español e inglés por Skype.

Si juzgas..te juzgarán  (Santa Biblia)




6. Oktober 2014

Ambas cosas son necesarias. De nada sirve la gramática sin la práctica. Practicar es necesario para adquirir vocabulario y fluidez.  Pero ¿De qué sirven el vocabulario y la fluidez, si todo lo que se dice y/o escribe se encuentra incorrecto, las ideas no tienen relación entre sí y la estructura de cada oración, internamente, no tiene sentido?



12. Juni 2015

I've been learning Spanish more or less on my own for about six years now and I always find it amazing to come across those who are more apt to point out your mistakes than encourage you for your progress.  I suppose I may speak Spanish like a caveman, but the fact that I have progressed even that far fills me with a sense of pride.  There is nothing that makes me want to remain silent more than someone who constantly points out my incorrect use of "el" instead of "la" or some other slip of the tongue.  (Yes, I do by now know the difference between masculine and feminine articles, but we all make mistakes now and again, especially when nervous.)  Yes, a functional knowledge of how the grammar works is certainly useful, but I rarely come across those people who want to correct my usage when I bump into them on the street.  Given how many native speakers of any given language fail with grammar time and time again, I would think a few errors here and there by a student of the language would be acceptable.  I find confidence to be the most important factor when learning a new language, and of course, it has to be fun.  Unfortunately, there aren't a lot of fun things when it comes to grammar.  I find I learn best when given the chance to simply talk and use the language.  Those who knock your confidence and make you feel foolish for your mistakes are simply holding you back and should be ignored.  Just my thoughts on the subject.

13. Dezember 2014

And this is why grammar should be studied properly. Corrections in red. It's harsh and probably rude to correct you without asking but...sometimes the truth hurts.

Why are people so antigrammar? If you have classes 100% in the target language addressing grammar you get the best of both worlds. You get the listening comprehension improvement and also get to learn how to speak properly.

5. Oktober 2014

There are a myriad of examples of students that never study grammar and speak caveman level English/Spanish/etc. But it is fashionable to criticize any grammar study.


The best solution, like in most cases, is to mix both grammar study with conversational practice.


Yo hablo espanol perfecto. Nunca estudié lo. Pero todos mi amigos me dizen q hablolo al perfección. Que os parece este....este....afirmación. Todos ustedes no sepan nada de essio. 


Note the mixing of the vosotros and the ustedes and improper placement of articles, not to mention the lack of concordance between nouns and adjectives and gender.

4. Oktober 2014
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