Japanese listening comphrehension.

What do you use to help with your listening speed? I use music and anime to try to help me but was looking to see if anyone has anything else they use.

26. Apr. 2015 05:11
Kommentare · 5

iphone has basic japanese for dumbies its good for short words

28. April 2015

For learning Japanese, I prefer Japanese youtube videos or dramas instead of anime and music.  The pronunciation is much closer to native speach in dramas and in youtube videos normally it's native japanese speakers so for pronucation and listening comprehension i like these better. 

Just a bit of warning anime and music pronucation is not always correct.  Sometimes they will have characters with a speach issue or use grammer incorrectly to help develp character or the way of speaking could be old fashioned.  Wtih music the accent isn't as present as with normal speaking.  This so the words match up better with the beat of the song or they might just change the way it sounds because they like the sound better that way.  So I feel that while music and anime are great for building vocab (generally there is alot of repition of words and phrases), but may not be to reliable for pronuciation or listening comprehension. 

27. April 2015

I like to explore Japanese podcasts on iTunes, there is quite a variety to choose from. At the moment I listen to ひいきびいき, it is a man and a woman talking about pop culture and life in general, they speak rather slow so it can be very relaxing.

26. April 2015

I prefer drama to anime, as I think the speech in anime tend to vary a bit from regular Japanese. If possible I watch drama without subtitles, elsewise I try to ignore the subtitles as much as possible :)


Lately I've been using NHK NewsWeb Easy ( a lot. They publish both Japanese and foreign News in an easy understandable language, with furigana and explanations - in Japanese - of the more difficult words. There's a small sound file attached to each article, so you can hear the News as well. 


I agree with Angie that YouTube is a really good tool as well!

26. April 2015

I like to use YouTube tutorials on Japanese speech and pronunciation 

26. April 2015