Waiting for your Comments!

So, I'm one of those people whose life has been greatly affected by the kind of education they have got: Studying a foreing language, the English language, and knowing about other countries' cultures, civilizations and lifestyles.
And as I a have always had a thirst for learning and enlarging my knowledge, I think that fact has even made the situation worse.
I'm no longer the same person who has been raised to respect her family's traditions and beliefs. I've always been expected to behave in a particular way and to cling to certain religious beliefs.
Now I'm totally lost. I started to question everything I once took for granted.
Is that something normal? Please give me your opinion and I'm willing to talk more about the topic and explain different things if you are interested.
Thanks in advance! 
P.S My discussion is related to language learning, so I hope italki won't remove it. 

28. Apr. 2015 17:58
Kommentare · 3

I think it's normal and healthy. It's how you grow up.  Besides, if you're interested in other cultures you encounter different mentalities and different beliefs and start to question yourself maybe as to why so many different beliefs and which one is true (or is there a true one ?).

I had the same experience as you. Grew up in a christian family, with lots of principles.

28. April 2015

The problems is normal even chinese fight for it hundred years. I think philosophy more and less may come from culture conflicted. I think Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche is a person who think about your question. But many people think him very dangerous, Especially some of them think Nazi come from his thought. Basically he is negative but I think he does think about it seriously. Maybe that make you play real war. But however I like sophie’s world in the end. You can be happy to see those boring cartoon roles without thinking that is fake.

29. April 2015

Thanks ceokophael for your comment. My parents told me that all the religions teach love, peace and brotherhood. If that is true, why do they cause wars? Why is there hatred and evil everywhere? Why is there envy, betrayal, cheating, hypocrisy and dishonesty? Why do many people pretend to be deeply religious and pious and they are very ugly on the inside? 

29. April 2015