我愛張晗 :) 這一切開始時,我看著他的電影“流星雨”。起初,我並不欣賞他的美麗,但許多情節和後,當我看到他的殺手鐧的笑容,我開始有起雞皮疙瘩。我真的很喜歡他的笑容。我愛張翰!
7. Juli 2012 08:27
Korrekturen · 8

我愛張晗 :)


8. Juli 2012

我愛張晗 :)


25. Oktober 2014
I am from china and living in makati . I can help you with your Chinese learning
25. Oktober 2014
Oh really? I heard he's popular not just in China. You may watch it, it's nice though I didn't finish watching the whole movie because other episodes on YouTube doesn't have subtitles.
8. Juli 2012
To be honest, I really do not know who is 张翰.And I really have not watched the movie "meteor shower".
7. Juli 2012
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