First notebook entry: Introducing myself I want to learn Portuguese because my wife is Brazilian and her family doesn't speak English. My native language is English and I also speak Spanish because my family is from Peru, I grew up in United States. I enjoy fixing cars and be with my family and friends.
3. Feb. 2013 19:25
Korrekturen · 4

(Vou fazer a tradução para o português do Brasil, ok?)

First notebook entry: Introducing myself

I want to learn Portuguese because my wife is Brazilian and her family doesn't speak English. My native language is English and I also speak Spanish because my family is from Peru, I grew up in United States.
I enjoy fixing cars and be with my family and friends.


Eu quero aprender português porque minha esposa é brasileira e a família dela não fala inglês. Minha língua nativa é o inglês e eu também falo espanhol porque minha família é do Peru, eu cresci nos Estados Unidos.

Eu gosto de consertar carros e de estar com a família e amigos.

3. November 2015
Hello! I trying to learn english. I am a native language teacher here in Brazil. So, we can help each other. If you want to write something here, I can correct and help you to improve. How much do you know portuguese?
28. August 2015
Hello Friend, Feel free to get in touch (in skype) and do a language exchange =)
26. Juli 2015
Great initiative! Try to write your thoughts in Portuguese. Then, we could help you in your doubts. At soon.
4. Januar 2015
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