hiroshige ando
I want to study english. I want to study english because I want to go on trip to all over the world.
6. Apr. 2014 00:22
Korrekturen · 6

I want to study eEnglish because I want to go on trip to travel all over the world.


<em>But you could also write:</em>

I want to study English so I can travel all over the world

6. April 2014

I want to study english.

I want to study english because I want to travel all over the world.

6. April 2014
Cool, I want to travel all over the world as well. Particularly Asian countries.
22. April 2014


I want to study english so I can travel all over the world.

20. April 2014

I want to study english.

I want to study english so I can travel  all over the world.

6. April 2014
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