Alexander Montilla
If you have the opportunity to study something you didn't in the past, what would it be and why? If I have the chance to study a new professional career, I would definetely choose programming science. Nowadays, people earn a lot of money working hard with programs of informatic language from their own houses, in order to stay comfortable and being more productive. However, the main reason why I pick this profession, It's because I would like to master the area of development aplications for mobile cellphones and also technologies devices as tablets, ipads, laptops etc.
25. Mai 2014 23:59
Korrekturen · 1
If I had the opportunity to study a different career, I think I would go for Modern Languages or something like that, although based on some countries' needs, accountants are always wanted. I love teaching, but sadly, teachers are way underpaid here in Venezuela.
21. September 2014
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