How do I start learning Danish Hi everyone..! I would like to learn Danish. I would be very happy to have some advices regarding, how do I start to learn Danish.. Hope someone will help me with my learning.. Thank you!
13. Juni 2014 04:52
Korrekturen · 4
thank u..!
18. Juni 2014
When I learn new languages I usually start out by teaching myself the basic sentences by using the dictionary! You could try that out, it'll boost your vocabulary! :)
17. Juni 2014
Thank you very much Simon..It's very kind of u.. I'll try my best..!
16. Juni 2014
You could watch some movies in Danish. There are great Danish movies out there, such as The Hunt and The Celebration. You can download danish podcasts. You can read Danish newspapers online, such as politiken.dk, b.dk, information.dk. You can also write notebook entries and have them corrected for practice. You could also do sessions on italki with myself (I am native Danish speaker) or one of the other Danish speakers in here :) Good luck!
16. Juni 2014
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