Cesar Cruz Aguilar
Here l am again! l just got my first correction and it wans't that bad. However, I still think that It'd be very good to find someone. It is always nice to practice and get better though, right? It is still really hard for me to put together basic sentences, and most of what I want to say I can't.
26. Juli 2014 05:45
Korrekturen · 2

Here l am again!

l just got my first correction and it wasn't  wans't that bad. However, I still think that it'd be great very good to find a language partner. someone . It is always nice to practice and get better though, right? It is still really hard for me to put together basic sentences, and most of what I want to say I can't.

26. Juli 2014

Here l am again!

l just got my first correction and it wans't that bad. However, I still think that It'd be very good to find someone with whom I can practice. It is always nice to practice and get better though, right? It is still really hard for me to put together basic sentences, and most of what I want to say I can't.


This was not bad at all.  I added "...with whom I can practice" because the sentence was unclear without it.


Esto no fue malo en absoluto.  Añadé "...con quién yo puedo practicar" porque la frase no es muy clara sin ello (espero que mi español no sea demasiado malo!).  


Si quieres practicar inglés, dáme un mensaje privado y yo puedo practicar mi español también.

26. Juli 2014
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