short trip I would go swimming to the sea with my family last Sunday and Monday. Unfortunately, it was not too hot, cloudy and sometimes heavy shower. We did to sightseeing instead of swimming. We went to a aquarium, a pavilion and shopping. Then the sun appeared suddenly. We tried to get in the sea, and soaked only legs in the water. The sea water was so clear and cool. I felt very comfortable. Anyway It was wonderful that my daughter got in the sea at the first time!
29. Juli 2014 10:50
Korrekturen · 1

short trip

I would go wanted to go swimming to in the sea with my family last Sunday and Monday. Unfortunately, it was not too very hot, it was cloudy and sometimes there were some heavy showers. We did to went sightseeing instead of swimming. We went to a an aquarium, to a pavilion and went shopping. Then, suddenly, the sun appeared suddenly. We tried to get in the sea, and soaked only only soaked our legs in the water. The sea water was so clear and cool., I felt very comfortable. Anyway, It was wonderful that my daughter got in the sea at for the first time!

29. Juli 2014
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