Welcome all Hi, I wanna get new friends and practice my English. That's why I'm here. I graduated engineer of telecommunication. And I'm looking for conversations which is profound and honest. We can make friend easily but how many of them are reality, or just waste of time? I'm able to read, sit and listen to ur pronunciation, or such. So, if u have our common thought, write me and I'm sure to reply as soon as I can. My emai: [email protected] Welcome all Nice to meet you ;)
30. Juli 2014 15:51
Korrekturen · 2

Welcome all

Hi, I wanna <em>would like to make</em> get new friends and practice my English. That's why I'm here.
I <em>graduated with an Engineering Degree in</em> engineer of Telecommunications. And I'm looking for conversations which is  are profound and honest. We can make friend<em>s</em> easily<em>,</em> but how many of them <em>those friendships</em> are reality, or <em>and which are</em> just waste of time? I'm able to read, (sit<em>,??)</em> and listen to ur your pronunciation. So, if u you have our share this common thought, write me and I'm  I'll be sure to reply as soon as I can.
My emai: [email protected]
Welcome all
Nice to meet you


Thanh, overall, very good job!!


30. Juli 2014
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