Damages or benefits in beliefs Sometimes, beliefs can be harmful or beneficial, and there are a couple of examples which can be mentioned. First, the case of the Hermansons, who were accused of killing their daughter because they did not give her proper medical treatment. Instead, They prayed for her recovery. If the child had just been treated hours before her death, she would have lived. People should not be too dependent on their beliefs. At least in this case, a child paid the consequences. On the contrary, Norman Cousins's case is different. He was diagnosed arthritis, but he never gave up. In fact, he believed that if he had a positive attitude and positive emotions, some of his symptoms would heal. Indeed, he lived longer than the doctors expected; something which might not have happened if he hadn't followed this belief. In summary, the Hermansons and Norman Cousins had a belief, but it is clear when this belief can be harmful; reason why people should think more about what they believe. please correct it or give me some suggestions, I would appreciate it. thank you.
21. Aug. 2014 04:52
Korrekturen · 2
expliqué las razones dando los ejemplos: el caso de los Hermansons y el caso de Norman Cousins. La segunda parte que mencionas no la entiendo muy bien, quizás puedas escribirlo en ingles. I explained the reasons by givin the examples: The Hermansons' case and the Norman's case. I don't understand the second part that you mentioned. maybe you could explain it to me in english. Thank you for your comment.
22. August 2014
unas sugerencias - se puede explicar las razones que creencias pueden ser danadas o beneficiosas al principio para que el resto del parafo sea mas claro/preciso. tambien, escribio "it is clear when this belief can be harmful"... pues, las creencias a sus mismos no estan danando a nadie... es la accion o falta de accion de las personas que causa el dano. ?no se si le explique bien? Escribame con cualquier pregunta.
21. August 2014
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