Difficulty with vowels I am still having trouble hearing the differences of some of the Vietnamese vowels. I have attempted to write the phonetic transcription for each vowel, though some of them sound the same which is where the trouble lies. A /a/ as in cot  /ə/ as in asleep Ă /ae/ as in back O /Ɔ/ as in thaw Ô /o/ as in snow Ơ /-not exactly sure on this one. E /ɛ/ as in bed Ê /e/ as in paid U /u/ as in shoe Ư /u/ same but without rounding lips. I /i/ as in bead I have a lot ò trouble with Ơ and Â. If someone could look over what I have and maybe make corrections or if you have tips to better hear the differences. Thanks!
26. Aug. 2014 04:15
Korrekturen · 6
Hi Kelli, I'm Thao. I'm a native Vietnamese speaker. I live in Hanoi, Vietnam. I am interested in learning English and I can also help you learn Vietnamese. I think "ơ" sound is pronounced like /ə/ sound in English. And "â" is pronounced with a higher tone than "ơ". You can follow this to improve your pronunciation and learn more
17. September 2014
"Ơ" i think it's pronun quite the same as your /ə/
7. September 2014 I think she is good tutor. I am willing to correct you this, dont hesitate to ask!
5. September 2014
Is there an "Answers" page for the Vietnamese language? There may be better resources there than this English Notebook page.
26. August 2014
I think Ơ and  are differrent . but i don't know how to show you .
26. August 2014
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