jessica ulloa
I'm learning english and I need help Hello, my name is jessica, I study ingenierial commercial... I want learn english, because is very important to my life and too at my profession
30. Aug. 2014 15:18
Korrekturen · 4

Learning English

My name is Jessica and I study Ingenierial Commercial. I want to learn English, because it is very important in my life and career.


30. August 2014

I'm Learning English and I Need Help

Hello, my name is Jessica, I am  studying  Commercial Engineering. ingenierial commercial... I want to  learn English, because it's very important to in my life and my profession too. at my profession

30. August 2014

I'm learning English and I need help.

Hello, my name is Jessica. I study ingenierial engineering commercial (I don't quite understnd, what do you mean.)... I want to learn English, because it is very important to for my life and too at for my profession too.

30. August 2014
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