Lonely days 寂寞的日子 I am very lonely in the hospital, there is only one patient in the triple ward. I am unable to leave the bed as there is a fracture in my lumber. Eight hours watching TV, or reading with one hand (because my other hand need to be used in intravenous infusion), is my all life. I am looking forward to returning home earlier. 在医院里的时间很寂寞,三个人的病房只有我一个病号。我不能下床走动,因为我的腰椎有骨折。八小时地看电视或者用一只手看书是我一整天全部的生活。(我的另一只手因为输液不能动)我盼望着快点回家。
3. Sep. 2014 06:40
Korrekturen · 17

From your English...

Lonely days 寂寞的日子


I am very lonely in the hospital, there is since I am the only one one in a three patient in the triple ward. I am unable to leave the bed as there is a fracture in one of my lumbar vertebrae lumber. Eight hours of watching TV, or reading with one hand (because my other hand need to be used in is connected to the IV. intravenous infusion), is my all life. [Clearer to say, "My daily life consists of eight hours of watching TV...."] I am looking forward to returning being home soon earlier.


Take care!


4. September 2014

From translation


Lonely days 寂寞的日子

I am very lonely in the hospital, there is only one patient in the triple ward. I am unable to leave the bed as there is
a fracture in my lumber. Eight hours watching TV, or reading with one hand (because my other hand need to be used in intravenous infusion), is my all life. I am looking forward to returning home earlier.

在医院里的时间很寂寞,The time in the hospital is a lonely one for me  三个人的病房只有我一个病号。for I am the only one in a three-person ward/room.  我不能下床走动,I am unable get off the bed to move around 因为我的腰椎有骨折。because there is fracture in one of my lumbar vertebrae.  八小时地看电视或者用一只手看书是我一整天全部的生活。Eight hours of watching TV or using one hand to read a book is my daily life(我的另一只手因为输液不能动)(My the other arm is unable to move due to it being connected to the IV) 我盼望着快点回家。I long to return home sooner.

4. September 2014

Lonely days 寂寞的日子

I am very lonely in the hospital, there is only one patient in the triple ward. I am unable to leave the bed as there is a fracture in my lumber (lumbar vertebra?). Eight hours of watching TV, or reading with one hand (because there's a drip in my other hand) need to be used in intravenous infusion), is my whole all life. I am looking forward to returning home soon.earlier.


3. September 2014
Thank you Andre!
3. September 2014
Good luck and take patience!
3. September 2014
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