9/16/2014 An elephant graveyard is legendary place. It is generally believed that the elephant graveyard is a final resting place for elephant. The elephants will gravitate toward the graveyard before their death approached. Hence, the elephant graveyard supposedly is a dark and eerie place where vast piles of elephants’ bones and ivory tusks can be found. A lot of greedy fortune seekers attempted to find these graveyards for priceless ivory. For those who had attempted to find these graveyards, they either returned unsuccessfully or disappeared in their quest. Some adventurers claimed that they had stumbled upon mass burial site. However, none of them could prove their claims as they were unable to relocate the site anymore. Does such a place actually exist? Or is it a myth? In African folklore, dying elephants was drawn by supernatural force before they died. An elephant graveyard is a sacred and secret place guarded by a “guardian”. The living elephants frequently visited the graveyard to mourn for dead. There are some explanations trying to explain the elephant graveyard theory in a more logical way. Old and dying elephants left the herds and stay behind. These elephants gather in a place where food and water are abundant in the hope to keep themselves alive. Eventually these elephants died as a matter of course. Some elephants might die of illness. The recent discovery is that these elephants die collectively might be because they were poached by hunters for their ivory tusks. The carcasses discovered were had their tusks missing.
16. Sep. 2014 17:22