Pedro Rios
Recognizing Sinchronicity Today is a great day! Just realizing some of the results (Synchronicity) that I met today! Such results, events, sinchronicity or moment made me smile for a few seconds when I was able to identify them. Well, there were not just one sinchronicity, now that I remember they were 2 :-) And probably if I keep searching, remembering or bringing attention to the whole group of events of the day, I am sure some others will be recognized too. So, basically I am writing this to be thankful, to honor the results, the moments and the experience experienced today! :-) it feels good to know that those things, ideas, "needs", intentions, are fulfilled at some point. It is about being alert to it, recognize it when it arrives, it is the aha! moment :-) in some way. It is that moment when you know that you are face to face with either the time of the process of an idea or goal shaping to a form, or face to face with the result you thought. I think that there is value in recognizing the results, either small or big. Those are the moments where apparently you normally do not plan it one day before, and write it on your To Do list, at least not totally aware about it, but I bet that from a deep level of our being, that moment of the day is also in some way inherent in our To Do list of the day, even when it is not physically wroten. And, when we can recognize sinchronicity, we are contributing to our process of having clarity in our purpose in life. So, what is synchronicity? the way I understand it, is that when we have the ability to recognize those nice moments, moments (seconds) of joy I would say, those moments when you know that what you are experiencing is what you were expecting to be. And those moments are not in a linear time, they just show up anytime that you are interacting in life; and I think it is when you are open and "ready" to meet and experience them. :-) In case you want to know more about this idea of Synchronicity, just search online for Deepak Chopra on synchronicity, and I bet you'll find the best definition for it. Thank you! :-)
17. Sep. 2014 07:15