我今天公司裁员了 My company downsized from today. HR部门要求一些同事今天就是最后一天. HR Departments require some of colleagues toady is last day. 对他们来说,显然太突然了,他们无法接受. For them, apparently too suddenly, they could not accept the. 更过份的是,只赔偿 n(公司的工龄),而不是n+1 More over, just compensation n (the company's length of service), instead of n+1. 有一个女孩子特别伤心,哭着离开了公司,因为她没有做任何的心里准备,希望她离开公司后能开心些。 There is a girl very sad, crying, left the company.Because she didn't make any ready, hope she can happy to leave the company after. 后面离开的人平静多了,虽然她们不统一公司的赔偿协议,可是公司仍然要求他们今天就离职,目前还不知道她们明天仍然来上班公司会怎样?。 The back left people calmer, though they are not Unifi Inc compensation agreement, but the company still asking them to leave today, it is not known how they still will work tomorrow?. I hope everyone is okay and better and better.我希望她们都好,并且越来越好。
19. Sep. 2014 05:40