my first love When I have been studying in fourth university, I met my first love, who loves me a lot and I also love him. but unfortunately during times, I and he were in love, I didn't realize that I need and love him so much till when I said goodbye to him I know that I lost a good thing and good person I can replace in the furtute. Now, sometimes I have still missed him. He and I still keep in touch. Sometimes, in my dearms I dearm he and I return together gain. But when I open my eye, nothing happens. I know that I let him left from my heart. Good luck to everyone all over the world. Don't let inportant thing and person left you or you will regret .
27. Dez. 2014 06:09
Korrekturen · 2

My first love

When I was studying in fourth year university, I met my first love. He loved me alot and I also loved him. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that I needed and loved him so much until I said goodbye. [Now] I know that I lost a good thing and good person who I can't replace [in the future].
Now, sometimes I still miss him. He and I still keep in touch. Sometimes, in my dreams, he and I are together again. But when I open my eyes, nothing has happened. I know that I let him leave my heart. Good luck to everyone all over the world. Don't let important things and people leave you or you will regret it.

6. Januar 2015
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