Jessica Hsieh
Studying and Living aboard I want to go to Canada for English learning (maybe French also) and experiencing the living there this year. I'll stay with my aunt in Toronto. I haven't decided what to study. My aunt suggests just living there, watching movies, learning in the library..." My travel agent suggests learning in a language school or studying a program to get a diploma. I don't have much money so I want to make the most of it. My main purpose to go to Canada is to enlarge my view. May I ask some advice from you? Thank you~~~~~
28. Jan. 2015 05:49
Korrekturen · 1

Studying and Living aboard

I want to go to Canada for English learning to learn English (maybe French also) and to experience the lifestyle there this year. I'll stay with my aunt in Toronto. I haven't decided what to study. My aunt suggests just living there, watching movies, learning in the library..." My travel agent suggests learning in a language school or studying a program to get a diploma. I don't have much money so I want to make the most of it. My main purpose to go to Canada is to enlarge my view. expand my horizons. 

May I ask some advice from you? Thank you~~~~~




I am also going to Canada this year for reasons similar to yourself! I will be moving to Montreal for six months so I can improve my French, experience life in a francophone/bilingual society and have lots of great experiences :) 


If you don't have a lot of money, I would suggest that you try to have as many language exchanges (either on italki or elsewhere) as possible, rather than spending a lot of time and money in a course. Studying a language out of books and in classrooms is entirely different to speaking it, using it to interact with others and to live your daily life. After all, that's the point of languages - to communicate with other people! 

28. Januar 2015
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