Handicrafts! Hello! Today I want to show you some handicrafts I make. Since I finished my English course I have nothing to do in my spare time. So my mother gave me a book where they show you how to make these small insects and animals such as skunks, dragonflies, lizards, bees, butterflies and spiders. It's very simple to make them once you have mastered the technique. You only need wire, and some beads*. I only make them for fun so I'm always giving them all away. Making them requires a lot of patience, and I don't have so I am always going crazy when I make them ;) Thanks for reading my post! Hope You have an incredible day! :)
30. Jan. 2015 17:58
Korrekturen · 3


Hello! Today I want to show you some handicrafts I made. Since I finished my English course I have nothing to do in my spare time. So my mother gave me a book where they that shows you how to make these small insects and animals such as skunks, dragonflies, lizards, bees, butterflies and spiders. It's very simple to make them once you have mastered the technique. You only need wire, and some beads*. I only make them for fun so I'm always giving them all away. Making them requires a lot of patience, and I don't have so much, I am always going crazy when I make them ;) Thanks for reading my post! Hope You have an incredible day! :)

30. Januar 2015
Wow, it really is well done! Hope you have an incredible day too! :)
30. Januar 2015
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